Static Stretching: What is Actually Happening?

Think of that someone that perhaps you see in the gym or in yoga that is super ‘flexible’ and ‘bendy’. Can fold and touch their toes effortlessly without feeling any ‘tightness’ at all. Now does this mean that this person can move well, change shape at the joints, distribute force well, produce force, obtain great mobility? Probably not. What is happening here is; we probably have someone that has held these end-range stretches regularly for so many years that the…

The Misconceptions Surrounding Achilles Pain

I have worked with many general population clients and semi-professional runners with achilles pain or issues. Some super complex that had been ‘un-fixed’ for years. From all my expertise, research and experience, achilles pain tends to be a lack of hip extension that side. The late mid-stance phase of gait is difficult for the individual to perform without compensation. It is probably why physio’s and other practitioners tend to prescribe calf raises when they have a client with achilles pain.…

You are most probably diminishing mobility every time you train!

Years ago I was solely focused on training for aesthetics. As many of us do, I wanted to look more muscular, so I pushed myself to lift heavier and heavier weights, arching my back to produce heavy overhead presses, squatting down as low as I possibly could past my range of motion, squeezing my shoulder blades hard together to produce rows and pull-ups. What I didn’t realise was that by focusing on the weight, rather than my body’s ranges of…

The misconception of “weak” glutes!

Have you ever been told by a fitness professional that you have “weak” glutes? If so, you may have been advised to include exercises like a single glute bridge in your training. But is this really the best solution? The truth is, simply squeezing your glutes with lumber extension may feel like its working the muscle group, but it doesn’t address the root cause of the problem. First of all, a muscle is neither weak or strong. They can however,…

muscle focus only? why they are not the right person for you

When I am assessing an individual for the first time, I am looking at how their axial skeleton is shaped, what areas are compressed and where is expanded. This is key information when it comes to accurately programming the right exercises that aim to enhance someone’s movement versus further constricting and compressing them. The vast majority of trainers, therapists and health professionals unfortunately follow an out-dated model which narrow-mindedly focuses on the muscles with little or no focus on the…